ConnectWise Certify

TSP training & professional development

Invest in yourself and your team

ConnectWise Certify offers a variety of role-based trainings and courses designed to help you invest in educating yourself and your team to realize your vision of success. Through our certification programs, you'll learn how to work smarter and be more productive by strengthening your understanding of TSP best practices and adoption of the ConnectWise platform.

On-demand exam prep courses

Perfect for today’s TSP

Learn at your own pace

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Flexible to your schedule

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Scalable to your growing staff

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Available to partners worldwide

Available certification courses

Product certifications

Advance your use of the ConnectWise platform with product certifications. Courses will be added throughout 2021 for ConnectWise PSA™ (sales, finance, and service), ConnectWise Automate® (certified expert and certified professional), and ConnectWise CPQ™ (quote and proposals).

Learn more product certifications >>

Business Builders certifications

Business Builders certifications push you to work smarter and be more productive with industry best practices. Get certified for finance management today and stay tuned for service delivery and service management and leadership development certifications coming soon. 

Learn more about Business Builders certifications >>

Cybersecurity certifications

Our cybersecurity experts are here to pass along their knowledge in industry cybersecurity frameworks and standards, risk assessment best practices, and tips to navigate the growing ecosystem of security products with our Cybersecurity Fundamentals and Advanced certifications. Our courses are tailored to your specific role within your TSP.

Register for Cybersecurity Fundamentals >>